AVARUS - Salon des Amateurs
Your favorite free experimental rock jazz folk electronic noise combo from Finland made up of folks from ANAKSIMANDROS, PYLON, KILLA, MUNUAISSYMPOSIUM 1960, KEMIALLSET YSTAVAT, MANIAC_¢‚Ǩ‚ѢS DREAM, MUSLUX, AMON DUDE, PURPLE POOMEN, LOONEY BIN BOUNCERS, ISLAJA and more. The borders between the bands are quite loose. There are about 10 core members in AVARUS in three different cities, and the number of occasional members is 10-20, now in a smattering of different countries. But it_¢‚Ǩ‚Ѣs not at all important to know who_¢‚Ǩ‚Ѣs playing and when. It_¢‚Ǩ‚Ѣs about a collective improvisational sound, a play or a game. Avarus is one of the cornerstone groups of modern Finnish psychedelia, trailblazers for the recombinant aesthetic pioneered by a small gaggle of artists whose self-released, subterranean music is as baffling and crude as it is celebratory and hilarious."_¢‚Ǩ‚ÄùThe Wire. The band_¢‚Ǩ‚Ѣs eleventh album released in an edition of 200 copies." -Pome Pome.