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BIANCHI, MAURIZIO - First Day -- Last Day


Regular price $14.00 USD
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"One year has passed since MB/Maurizio Bianchi decided to come back to the music arena with his very personal new sound exploration. Conceived in the same direction of the previous CD titled Colori , this new work found its bases in the revaluation of the events the started the Creation, when an intelligent and complex act of sublime love started our physical universe off, transposing them in form of 8 electronic compositions elaborated in a 2 year work. A darker atmosphere marks the background sounds giving to the whole program a more obscure and less easy impression while the more melodic traces fluctuate without direction in an empty space. MB has always worked in a very direct way following his true inspiration; he has devoted his music to the sincere listeners who will now immerse themselves in these sound waves and in the sea of primordial sonorities. The connection to his past recordings is to be found in this attitude and a reference to these feelings was already existing in the early 1980s as reported in some interviews and statements soon to be included in the full documentation of ArcheoMB boxset 2 (not a reference to the specific religious themes but anyway a more general idea of spiritual collapse and chancing). What could be interesting is to notice this continuity and consider the past and present works as a whole. Of course with a huge formal difference in the material sound approach". - EEST.

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