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BRAINBOMBS - Singles Collection 2


Regular price $16.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $16.50 USD
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BRAINBOMBS have been spreading their particular brand of maximum inthered noise around the world since 1987. Coming from the small town Hudiksvall, Sweden, theyve put out releases on lots of labels such as Big Brothel, Big Ball, Blackjack, Wabana, Ken Rock, Load, Tumult, Anthem etc. What really needs to be said about BRAINBOMBS ? Other than they rule!Single after single these nightmare storytellers have been blowing out their dirty guitar abjections even more-¢?¬¶ (to quote those Brainbombs supporters at Aquarius Records) : A simple riff, doused in distortion and played through some beat up amp, repeated over and over and over, mantra like, hypnotic and disturbing, the drums propulsive and motorik, a horn bleating and skronking within the murk and mire", while "the vocals, delivered in a disturbing detached deadpan drawl, recount tales of depravity, ultra violence and murder".This record concentrates on the second half of this bands recorded work :-¢?¬¢ 10 out-of-print singles sides (1997-2006) and 4 unreleased scorching live versions of "Danny", "Urge", "Tired & Bloody" and "Stacy" (a rare document considering the band has only played live a mere handful of times!).-¢?¬¢ Liner notes by the LAMPS Monty Buckles.-¢?¬¢ Perfect companion to BRAINBOMBS previous Singles CD on LOAD Records.-¢?¬¢ 70 minutes of filthy, jazzy, garage-punk sludge. Fans of ELECTRIC EELS, CHROME, FLIPPER, JAZZ NOISE, EXTREME ELECTRONIK MUSIK and BURNOUT PSYCHEDELIA-¢?¬¶ take note!" - Pollymaggoo.

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