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BROUK, JOANNA - The Healing Touch

Hummingbird Productions

Regular price $9.00 USD
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(Joanna Brouk) was an extremely early new age type musician who had a radio show on KPFA even before Hearts of Space. She put out five tapes of music recorded between 1976 and 1982. \r\nYou can hear an early interview (1972) and some of her most minimal and severe drone music via this link:\r\n\r\n(These are) original, sealed tapes from the 80s, although she updated the dates every time she did a new pressing (Sounds of the Sea is from 1981 but says 1990). - Douglas Mcgowan. "Brouks last tape (for now) finds her revisiting old themes explored on earlier recordings with the addition of digital synths. The sounds are still cosmic and weird and way ahead of the curve. Great J card cover photo features Ms. Brouk blissing out in the woods." - Yoga.

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