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DMPH - s/t

Weird Forest

Regular price $3.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $3.50 USD
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DMPH is a new Sacramento-Oakland free improv trio consisting of Chad Stockdale (tenor sax), Kevin Corcoran (drums/percussion) and Derek Monypeny (guitar). This record finds them starting from intuitive scatter/splatter into a deep, dense windtunnel on Side A (Oakland), while on Side B (Sacramento) a similarly conversational beginning leads to a highly electricified freakout squall that might put some heads in mind of Last Exit. Clearly, these guys have done their homework. Derek plays guitar in the magnificent bay area group Oaxacan and Kevin has recorded with such luminaries as Tetuzi Akiyama and Christian Kiefer. Chad has previously appeared on records with Kevin and is one half of the free jazz duo Klondike & York. Limited to 200 copies. - Weird Forest.

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