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EMBRYO - Hallo Mik


Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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The No-Neck Blues Band presents the music of Embryo in anticipation of collaborative double LP to\r\nbe released by De Stijl in September. Embryo is the longest running of the German underground\r\ncollectives, formed by Christian Burchard after he left Amon Duul 2 in 1969. Bremen 1971" and\r\n"Father, Son, and Holy Ghost" (1972) present the band at their peak period of Kraut - jazz -psych\r\nexploration, with "Father" being one of the peak records of its genre. "Live" (1976) has Embryo\r\nat a weaker point, caught in a "Bitches Brew"-obsessed fusion era that would soon be abandoned by\r\nBurchard and company for Eastern leanings. "Reise" (1978) and "(La Blama Sparozzi)" (1980)\r\nare pinnacle acheivements of their kind, presenting Embryos progressive sound combined with that\r\nof the indiginous musicians they encountered while caravan traveling throughout Iran, Iraq,\r\nAfghanistan, and India. "Hallo Mik" (2003) lets you hear what Embryo is up to now, which is a\r\nsort of hybrid cache of ethnicities, a world music for savants, and features Chris Karrer and\r\nDeiter Serfas of Amon Duul 2 and Lothar Stahl of Checkpoint Charlie, among others. A warning for\r\nthe wise: those with a low tolerance for ethno-jazz best not venture past 72, and then wait for\r\nthe NNCK collabo record which we understand minimizes the funk."

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