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Chocolate Monk

Regular price $7.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $7.00 USD
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New recordings by the glitter coated pin-up/numbskull/genius.-Ç Amazing all over the place sonic ear hate.-Ç Highly recommended. -¢?? need to change, and actually be more intense and real instead of some character of a character who just sits around and goes bwaaaaaaaaaaah........and you need to learn how to draw, and play some instruments, and how to be human, in stead of a cool monster, and i think your music should be funnier and you need stage presence sorry but you r last two performances can kiss a dick, I mean they were so boring, you were just standing there blasting noise, woooooooooo. Ultimately no one out side of a hand full of people dont care,-¢?¬ù - hate mail to pat from an old boyfriend. - Chocolate Monk.

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