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HASSARA aka WOODEN WAND - Backyard Volume 3


Regular price $6.00 USD
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Third volume in this popular series of solo electric guitar improvisations by Wooden Wand in his -جø¬-??Hassara-جø¬-?-جø¬- guise. For this one, Hassara is back to exclusively playing guitar (no vocals, harmonica, bass, etc as on Volume 2), with a heavier emphasis on drone. The trademark boogie of previous releases is still intact -جø¬-?? in fact, the brief -جø¬-??Zodiac Blues (w/ intro)-جø¬-?-جø¬- is the ruling-est stoned blues jam Wand has ever committed to tape -جø¬-?? but for the most part, Volume 3 chooses to explore the dark side, with the two part -جø¬-??Road to Nowhere-جø¬-?-جø¬- (a reference to the Carole King song of the same name?) taking up the bulk of the disc. A friend said: -جø¬-??Sounds like brothers been sniffing around for affordable real estate in New Zealand.-جø¬-?-جø¬- WhatEVER, chump. - Hassara.

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