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HUNTER, JANA - Carrion


Regular price $12.00 USD
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Half of the six songs on Jana Hunters Carrion are unreleased\r\nhangers-on from the writing sessions that produced her most recent\r\nfull-length, Theres No Home, while the other half are alternate\r\nrenditions of works that appeared on that release. But this is no mere\r\ngrab bag of remnants; its a real tight product, all around.\r\nPaint A Babe" is a throw-back to Hunters earlier material, written\r\nand recorded simultaneously on a borrowed four-track recorder. A real\r\nsad, longing song. "A Goblin, A Goblin" took a little more time to\r\ncreate: this strong, sturdy number, replete with violins and creepy\r\nharmony, tells the tale of an indignant outcast. "You Will Take It and\r\nLike It," turns one central, pretty and proud guitar part over and\r\nover and over, with others mirroring it, leeching from it, grabbing on\r\nlike little parasitic danglers. The original version of "Theres No\r\nHome" is here, the track that spawned an entire record title, followed\r\nby "Sleep" (titled, as it was originally, "Ooh Uuh"), from the\r\nrecording that ended up on a lullaby compilation. Concluding Carrion\r\nis an acoustic re-presentation of the country-minded "Oracle,"\r\nstripped down to one guitar, one melody, and one harmony, as it was\r\noriginally conceived in its creation as homage. CD on Gnomonsong" - Woodsist.

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