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KALMA, ARIEL - French Archives Vol. III (1964-89)

Black Sweat

Regular price $100.00 USD
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"The visionary French musician Ariel Kalma stays true, in this third compendium too, to his path of planetary asceticism. A new treasure chest of secrets reveals to us same spirituality of total experimentation, by balancing the universe and the inner soul. In "Taste The Fullness Of Life," Ariel builds his symphonic pillars toward the cosmos, eternal architectures that always smell of Indian fragrances. The music always communicates a state of full grace, spreading balms of bliss. An unprecedented whispered narrating voice, evident especially in "Spiritual Chanson D'Esprit," is embellished with textures of harmonic bells, tropical flutes, spacey harmoniums and drones of mystical light. In the recordings of "Going Inward," also made on the occasion of a Tantric workshop, Kalma oscillates between tribal electronic dances, metallic almost industrial rhythms, but then always falls back in a comfort zone made of desert carpets of synths and baths of sound (gong/bells). "Harmonica Galactica" crowns interstellar dreams with unscrupulous drum-machine gears and pulsing saxes, superb use of VCS3 with Arabesque and Schulzian overtones, and suave touches of fingerpicking guitar with freak vibes typical of psych-folk." - Black Sweat Records. 

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