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Dear people at Destijl records,I has come to my attention lately that the Kandalini Nivag Retsevi 7 hasbeen surfacing lately quite a lot. I bough that 7" with a promo sheetthatread something along the lines of:SHOCK.BOOTLEG.200. $2.60. NO INVOICES/ TRADES ARE PREFERRED. SURELY YOU KNOWWHONIVAG RETSEVI WAS: NO ONE ELSE HAS COPIES.I picked it up at a second hand store in London 10 years ago because ofthecover. I liked what looked like (actually is) a xerox of the back coverofV/A WEIRD NOISE 7" (Fuck Off Rcs). I didnt know of the WEIRD NOISE compatthe time and I was intrigued by the cover, the record lasted months attherecord store and finally when it was reduced to -Ǭ£0.50 I bought it.Ive been fascinated by it since then. I keep playing it to people andtrying to make any sense of it all this time. I searched online and infanzines and the only clue I got was Nivag Retsevi from TONGUE AVULSION(V/ANot so quiet on the Western Front LP) Secretly I had that record in mypantheon of oddities since then and it has been only lately that doinganother random search I came across your website after finding a copy forafriend. All at sudden the record is for sale in Fusetron and a few otherplaces and I am puzzled of how a record absolutely no one knows about canberepressed and/ or in demand... I mean, it is the ultimate prank since itcanbe anyone farting on their backroom really.Anyway, I just realized I may be wasting your time and not making muchsenseat the same time so all I ask for is some LIGHT. Please enlighten me, Iwantand need to know more about this record. Regards" - Paco Mus