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LOOSERS - Logic On Its Head


Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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"Portugals greatest export (besides cork and textiles) continues its\r\ndusky, creeping bleed of six-limbed psychedelic windmilling. Loosers\r\nhave always excelled at ripping strange spatial curvatures out of\r\ndrums, electronics, and exotic moods, and Logic On Its Head serves up\r\ntwo more classic black platters of sidelight ritualism. The A drapes\r\nincense and chimes atop an old copper bowl of ringing tones and\r\ntentacle percussion fusion that slow-burns a sweet smoke you never\r\nwanna exhale. Dont. The B, Daeh Sti No Cigol, is even more\r\nperverse, as backwards as its title and dusty as a mosque. Sudden\r\ngestures flutter in the dusk and the sky turns purple. Really\r\ncommanding and liberated in a way few improv outfits achieve so\r\neasily. Impending double LPs on Eclipse and Qbico should only escalate\r\ntheir visionary aura."- Britt/NNF. Two-color silkscreening on\r\nfabric-photocopied, hand-stamped sleeves. Black vinyl. Edition of 340. Split with Not Not Fun.

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