Spencer and James of the Skaters split release. "monopoly child star searchers no jaw nite rights sky meetings reflected by the reaches of light totems as starways for skywatchers as hot sauce dippers drum cycle with the Choochi skin lifted patterns so as to reflect premeditated star chart reflections for the visitation of Panna Witchii Salitiou recorded 2027 Shopibo-Conibo, Pacific City.\r\nANGEL SNAKE: Snakinist sand form Snakinist morph in, the heads interface, in inner shapes Through which to contort the temple, controlled yogism Of the temples brain in circular concentrated morph with the ring of Surrounding snakes, the bell sings, the hand raises to smoke, The hyperbolic leather wears the temple pylon, beneath the bone Waves, snaking into the leather of sweat in liquid angels: evaporating In slow rates into pictures."