MUSICA DISPERSA - Musica Dispersa
1971 Spanish album that featured the talent of three of the most significant musicians from the Catalonian underground movement of the late sixties: Jaume Sisa, J.M. Brabo El Cachas and Albert Batiste, who after their Miniatura project with Pau Riba were joined by young hippie girl Selene. This sole effort by the group is a masterpiece of melodic tunes that pay a tribute to the English folk movement of the era, as it does to the early Amon Du_ɬºls freak out sound concept . Echoes of The Incredible String Band are present mainly in the guitar parts; drums are absent in all but one track on which they are played by Josep M Vilaseca Tapi, of M_ɬ°quina & Tapiman fame, but percussion, harmonica, organ, mouth harp, piano and wordless vocals are heard throughout the album, as is Selenes flute work. All in all this is a strange, relaxing little piece of underground from Barcelonas early seventies hippie youth that has become a classic of Spanish pop music; available in a 1000 copies only strictly limited edition that respects the original gatefold artwork, including the slight relief of the cover illustration. Extensive liner notes and photographs. - MMS. Highly Recommended!