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Gods Of Tundra

Regular price $6.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.50 USD
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Reissue of AM71. Back \r\nin the day, UI (and duo-era Wolf) to me, always represented Michigan \r\nsound. And this tape is exactly what makes UI such a legendary and \r\ngreat band. This is the classick line up of Big Juh, GG, and Dillo the \r\nKillo...and is an absolute headfuck from start to finish. Warped shots \r\nof something that sounds like band, constantly moving into interesting \r\npassages and never staying to long before its time to get to another \r\ntripped out tape warble underwater with 3 layers of 3 UI shows on top \r\nof each other...or something close to that. Fully Michigan. A perfect \r\ntape. - Gods of Tundra.

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