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V/A - JMSA Presents Wave From Free Music


Regular price $21.00 USD
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Previously unreleased live recordings during Sep. 2003 - Feb. 2004. Features: Keiji Haino (hurdy-gurdy); Kazuo Imai (guitar); Junichiro Okuchi (piano); Michihiro Sato (tsugaru syamisen); Yoshihide Otomo (turn-table); Masayoshi Urabe (alto sax). "Compilation containing six lengthy solo tracks by some of the most fascinating improvising musicians currently active in Japan. The CD documents a series of lecture-concerts, exploring the meanings, methods and implications of free music, which took place between September 2003 and February 2004 at Mesar Haus in Tokyo. Approaches vary between the endlessly fascinating, grey kaleidoscopic fields of Hainos hurdy-gurdy, the art-brut physical terrorism of Masayoshi Urabe, the traditional improvisatory, plucking style of Satos tsugaru-jamisen, and the anti-fundamentalist feedback dialectics of Otomos turntable work. All bore channels through time-space continua and consensus reality like no ones business." - Alan Cummings.

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